| Department of Math | | Members | | Research | | Miscellaneous |
Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
DMCS is a department of the Faculty of Science of the University of Oradea. In 1990 there were only two members in the department and nowadys the department has a strong, 36 members staff.
The members of DMCS teach mathematics at all the faculties of the University of Oradea which have in their curricullas mathematics courses:
- Faculty of Architecture and Civil Enginering
- Faculty of Electrotechnics and Computer Science
- Faculty of Energetics
- Faculty of Managerial and Technological Engeneering
- Faculty of History and Geography
- Faculty of Environment Protection
- Faculty of Sciences
- Faculty of Economic Studies
- Faculty of Textile and Leatherworks
- Technical, Economic and Adminstration College
Our Department has the special honour of obtaining the consent of the Unviersity's of Oradea Senate to grant the title of „Doctor Honoris Causa” to the following romanian mathematicians:
- Acad. Petru Mocanu, prof. from UBB Cluj Napoca;
- Acad. Radu Miron, prof. from „A. I. Cuza” University of Iasy;
- Prof. Gheorghe Micula from UBB Cluj Napoca
DMCS has 36 members:
- 6 professors;
- 4 lecturers;
- 20 lectors;
- 6 teaching assistants
Some of the outstanding achievments of the DMCS are:
Published books:
- 8 monographs published in well-known, internationally recognized publishing houses (Kluwer, Birkhauser Publ. Co, Chapman and Hall, World Scientific Publ. Comp., Nova Science Publ. Inc. ş.a.);
- 4 monographs published in english in Romania with ISBN;
- 7 monographs published in romanian with ISBN;
- editing of the Anals of the University of Oradea, the mathematics fascicola (from 1990, last issue in 2003) reviewed in Mathematical Review and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik);
- editing of 2 volumes with ISBN for the „Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Oradea, 2003”, with international participation;
- editing of one volume with ISBN for the „International Conference on Computers and Communications, Felix, 2004”;
- 44 textbooks and manuals, 10 exercise books published with ISBN
Published articles:
- 44 aritcles published in ISI journals;
- 40 articles publised in journals of the Romanian Academy;
- 178 articles publised in international journals ;
- 79 articles published in Romania in journals of the universities;
- 115 articles published in other journals and proceedings.
Conferences and scientific sessions:
- 6 editions of the „Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics", with international participation (1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2003);
- first edittion of the „International Conference on Computers and Communications, Felix, 2004”;
- 13 editions of the Anual Communication Session of the Universtiy of Oradea
Reviewers, CNCSIS experts:
- Mathematical Reviews, Acta Mathematica Hungarica (ISI), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (ISI),
- co-editors Constructive Approximation (ISI), Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana (ISI), Fuzzy Sets ans Systems (ISI), Approx.. Theor. Appl., J. Fuzzy Math., Intern. Journ, Math. And Math. Sci., Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Studies in Informatics and Control Journal
- 2 expert evaluators for CNCSIS grants.
TELEFON: 0040259408257 (Director) / 0040259408430 (Secretariat) FAX: 0040259408461 (Decanat)
Web address
Mail Address
Departamentul de Matematică şi Informatică, Facultatea
de Ştiinţe, Universitatea Oradea
Str. Universităţii nr.1, cod 410087 Oradea - ROMANIA, Clădirea
C, Sala 11